The Eve - Ace of Face is an innovative aesthetic device, jointly developed by D.B SkinTech Innovation and Weero, and made in Korea.
This cutting-edge professional device combines several highly-effective aesthetic technologies, for maximum impact.
• Hydra-Dermabrasion
• Diamond Peeling
• Microcurrent Electrotherapy
• Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
What is Eve - Ace of Face?

Unique Features & Benefits

Technical Device Specifications

Hydra-dermabrasion by Eve thoroughly cleans, gently exfoliates and well-hydrates the skin surface. It is the ideal first step in every aesthetic treatment.
The result of this treatment is a healthier, well-hydrated, fresh-looking and glowing skin, with a much smoother texture. You will also notice significant reduction of blackheads and enlarged pores.

The X-Stream jet removes dirt, excess sebum and dead skin cells from the skin surface.

Adjustable vacuum suction painlessly extracts impurities from inside the pores.

PHA, LHA, and proteolytic enzymes enable very gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells and waste.

The ingredients of the X-Stream toner effectively hydrate the stratum corneum.

Diamond Peeling
The Eve Diamond Peeling function removes dead skin cells, dirt and excess sebum from the skin surface, by an adjustable vacuum suction.
Diamond peeling improves the general appearance of the skin:
Brightens and evens the skin complexion.
Smooths areas of keratosis or shallow acne marks.
Reduces fine lines.
Microcurrent Electrotherapy
The Eve microcurrent function delivers low intensity and low frequency electric impulses into the skin. Though hardly perceptible, these microcurrents mimic the body’s own bioelectric currents, and hence regulate/ re-ignite electro-dependent intracellular processes.
Eve offers 4 microcurrent functions, differing from each other in the intensity and frequency of their electric currents. Each microcurrent function regulates the bioelectric activity of different target cells, and therefore has a different physiological impact on the skin:

MTB: Re-activating Skin Cell Metabolism

LMP: Stimulating Micro-circulation & Lymphatic Drainage

MYO: Myo-stimulation & Myo-relaxation

ALV: Alleviating Skin Pain & Discomfort

Multi-Step Microcurrent Programs
Eve offers 6 structured, multi-step microcurrent programs, each designed to achieve a different set of clinical indications:
Anti-aging for young/ aging/ mature skin
Treatment of acne or seborrhea
Treatment of rosacea or couperose
Restoration of dull, aging, or damaged skin
Each program is an automated sequence of several microcurrent functions, arranged and timed per the specific indications of that program.
Variety of Microcurrent Applicators

Ball Shape
Suitable for any microcurrent function and for all treatment areas.

Comb Shape
Intended for the scalp, to stimulate micro-circulation, thus strengthen the hair roots and reduce seborrhea and dandruff.

Useful for covering broader skin areas (e.g. the cheeks or the neck) conveniently and more efficiently.

Conductive Gloves
For a pleasant, attentive and highly-effective microcurrent treatment.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
The Eve Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) function offers a ‘training session’ for the facial muscles in the lower half of the face.
By delivering low voltage electric pulses to the motor points of these muscles, EMS sessions by Eve cause repeated muscle contraction, which reactivates the muscle function and consequently restores muscle tone, resulting in a lifting and tightening effect.

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